Mid-South CDRN Co-PI Tim Carey speaks on the importance of Collaborative Research Groups for patients and clinicians.
The Mid-South CDRN will co-lead 3 of the 11 announced PCORnet Collaborative Research Groups (CRGs). The CRGs bring together experts from multiple networks to generate high-priority research questions that will focus on providing patient-centered outcomes. The CRGs will be dedicated to engaging advocates, partner networks, and funders to answer these questions using the PCORnet infrastructure. To focus on specific research topics, some the CRGs have developed Research Interest Groups (RIGs) to investigate sub-categories of their research area. The CRGs will develop data elements that are relevant to the group’s focus area, as well as advance the PCORnet mission of advancing the science of patient-centered outcomes and pragmatic research through innovative methods. Mid-South will lead the Diabetes and Obesity, Kidney Health, and Hospital Medicine CRGs. For more on the PCORnet CRG launch click here.