How to Collaborate

FAQ about Collaboration

What does it mean to collaborate with STAR CRN?

The objective of STAR CRN is to support projects in comparative effectiveness research, pragmatic clinical trials, and other key research areas. Through this network, we can provide:

    • Access to a broad array of clinical data, patients, providers, and systems to address an array of research questions and support related to regulatory issues, governance, data privacy, and stakeholder engagement.
    • Patient-facing informatics tools including the use of REDCap for electronic patient consent, electronic survey tools, and electronic payment of study participants.
    • Support related to the development of novel clinical decision support tools for the implementation of pragmatic trials. 
    • Support for engagement of a broad array of stakeholders, including patients, clinicians, health system leaders, and other stakeholders.
    • Access to longitudinal health data for research including clinical data, claims data, patient reported data, biologic data, and other local and national data.

FAQ about the STAR CRN Intake Process

How do I request collaboration with STAR CRN?

  • To request collaboration, you will need to fill out our STAR Intake REDCap survey. This survey will help us get a better understanding of your project. The survey can be found here:

When should I submit my request for collaboration?

  • The sooner, the better! We recommend submitting an intake form at least 6 weeks before your submission deadline to ensure we have the time to move through the process and accommodate your request.

What documents will STAR initially require from me as an investigator?

  • Documents required at the time of filling out the intake form include: a stakeholder engagement plan, a scope of work, a budget, and a working version of your proposal.

What happens after I submit an application to STAR?

  • After your intake form is submitted, a member of our team will review your submission to confirm that all required documents/information is there. This can take 1-5 business days. After this, they will reach out to you to collect any missing documents. If there are no missing documents, they will reach out to schedule a “STAR Intake Call.” This call will have representatives from our Stakeholder Engagement Team, Informatics Team, Budgeting Team, and STAR Administrative Team. This call will allow our team to ask you questions related to your study, as well as allow you to ask any questions you have for us.

Who can I reach out to with questions?

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Additional Resources

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is an independent, nonprofit research organization that seeks to empower patients and others with actionable information about their health and healthcare choices.

For more information, click here.

PCORnet®, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, is intended to improve the nation’s capacity to conduct health research. For more information, click here.

Additional PCORnet resources:

The PCORnet Knowledge Repository is a searchable peer-to-peer repository that includes resources that can inform future work in patient-centered research.

For more information, click here.

The STAR CRN Glossary was created by the STAR Engagement Team (SET) and STAR Advisory Council (SAC) at STAR CRN to compile a list of common terms and acronyms and their definitions. 

For more information, click here.