The RECOVER Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC) PCORnet Electronic Health Record (EHR) Cohort Study is a collaboration between all eight PCORnet Clinical Research Networks, representing 38 institutions across the United States as a part of the NIH Funded Initiative, Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER). The goals of RECOVER are to understand, treat, and prevent Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC).
To learn more please visit: https://studies.recovercovid.org/about-us/ehr or contact the study team for more information.

To place someone on a breathing machine (a procedure called “intubation”), doctors give a drug to make the patient sleepy (known as a “sedative”). The two most common sedatives for intubation are ketamine and etomidate. The goal of the RSI trial is to learn which of the two drugs is best for patients undergoing intubation.
For more information, you can visit the study website.
Contact study team for more information.

“The COVID and Diabetes Assessment Study is a study funded by the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestion and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institute’s of Health (NIH). The study’s goal is to gain a deeper understanding of the link between COVID-19 and diabetes. This study will observe patients recently diagnosed with diabetes who have and have not had recent COVID-19. Some studies have suggested that infection with COVID-19 may result in a higher risk of developing Type 1 diabetes (T1D) or Type 2 diabetes (T2D), and also make one’s diabetes progress more rapidly. This study will help us to better understand these issues.”
For more information, you can visit the study website.
Contact study team for more information.

The PCORI funded study GUIDED-HF is a study focused on caring for patients with acute heart failure (AHF) discharged from the emergency department (ED).
“The GUIDED-HF Implementation Toolkit is designed to provide clinicians and others who provide care with patients with heart failure, especially those discharged from the emergency department, with the necessary resources to implement GUIDED-HF to promote self-care in these patients.”
For more information, you can visit the study website.
Contact study team for more information.