
STAR CRN partners include a range of patients, clinicians, investigators, community partners, caregivers, and advocates who contribute a wealth of individual lived experience and expertise. Our partners provide meaningful, comprehensive feedback to STAR CRN leadership, operations, and investigators that helps shape the development and implementation of person-centered outcomes research and intentional, right sized engagement leading to the goal of enhancing relevant research for health decisions and increasing the desired health outcomes of the patients and communities we serve.

Types of Partners

Patient Partners

STAR CRN patient partners are involved at multiple levels and

include a diverse range of patients, community partners, caregivers,

and advocates who contribute a wealth of lived experience and

expertise. Our partners provide comprehensive guidance to STAR

CRN leadership, operations, and investigators to help shape the

development and implementation of person-centered outcomes

research and engagement best practice to increase desired

health outcomes. Support is available to STAR CRN collaborators 

requesting resources on engaging patient partners and guidance on

developing patient-centered study plans. 

Industry Partners

STAR CRN has collaborated with industry partners such as

Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Amgen, and

others. Industry partners that collaborate with STAR CRN have

access to a diverse patient population and with a proven track

record of real-world evidence research and clinical trials.

Community Partners

STAR CRN is committed to building community trust and bi-

directional partnerships with the shared goal of improving

community health. Community partners include health and social

service providers, community health organizations, faith-

based organizations, public health agencies, health

advocacy groups, community health workers, federally qualified

health centers, and health-focused coalitions. Support is available to

 STAR CRN collaborators requesting resources on engaging

community partners and guidance on developing engagement and

dissemination plans. 

 Research Partners

STAR CRN provides guidance for designing, implementing, evaluating,

and disseminating the results of research projects. Research partners

of STAR CRN are provided a broad array of support related to

regulatory issues, governance,data privacy, patient

partner engagement, and access to the Common Data Model that

provides synchronized data from STAR sites 

Government Partners

STAR CRN collaborators are given the opportunity to receive

planning support for grant submissions with various government

agencies, such as the National Institute of Health (NIH), National

Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and many others. 

Our Patient Partner Stories

Partner Resources

Manuscript describing multilevel partner engagement

This paper presents our approach to implementing a comprehensive engagement plan for the MS-CDRN and provides a guiding framework for developing a partner-engaged and patient-centered research network. For more information, click here.

STAR Patient Centeredness of Research Scale

A seven-item scale that uses 5-point Likert ratings to assess the extent of person-centeredness of research products. For more information, click here.

Community Engagement Studio

Consultative sessions for researches to receive input on their work from patient partners and other non researchers. For more information, click here.

Engagement Guidance & Resources For Patient-Centered “Data-Only” Studies

All studies involving STAR CRN are patient-centered and require a rightsized stakeholder engagement plan indicated by the level of funding, resources available, and scope (e.g., pilot study versus a large-scale). For more information, click here.

STAR CRN Glossary

List of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations within STAR and our health systems. For more information, click here.

Return of Value

Dr. Consuelo H. Wilkins shares what return of value in healthcare research means and why it is important to consider what will be shared with research participants after a study is complete. For more information, click here.