The PCORnet Common Data Model (CDM) is used to standardize data across PCORnet sites, and each STAR CRN site maintains their own CDM. Although CDM management may differ across sites, all sites adhere to PCORnet specifications and guidelines for ease of multi-site analysis.

Additional Data Information
Choropleth at U.S. County Level for STAR Clinical Research Network Level for PCORnet®
Aggregated counts at the 5-digit ZIP level were requested from all participating DataMarts within PCORnet®. Counts at the 5-digit ZIP were then aggregated for DataMarts participating in STAR Clinical Research Network for PCORnet®. ZIP 5 were subsequently mapped and counts were aggregated to census county. 5-digit ZIP code to county mappings use the HUD-USPS Crosswalk made available by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For ZIP codes spanning multiple counties, counts were proportionally distributed using the residential ratios provided in the HUD-USPS Crosswalk.
DataMart located within very close proximity to each other on the map have been grouped in to one legend entry described by the respective symbol, otherwise the DataMarts are described by a number.
Counties with counts of 10 or less have been excluded from the plot.