
ACTIV-6 Trial in the News

Recently, ACTIV-6, a study many PCORnet sites are participating in has been featured in the news.

From the CBS news Nashville affiliate:

“The warnings are clear and coming from trusted medical agencies: If you get COVID-19, don’t take a drug traditionally used to treat parasitic infections.

Researchers are finding legal and safe way to get access to Ivermectin as a possible virus treatment.

“We have done laboratory studies that have shown that it has some anti-viral effect is against SARS COviD-2 and other viruses, but we don’t know if that lab effect will translate into humans, 847 and so we want to do the act of study to scientifically test whether Ivermectin does benefit patients with COVID,” Researcher Dr. Rowena Dolor said.”

You can read more of that article featuring one of our Duke PIs here.

Additionally, the NBC news Nashville affiliate also featured an article on ACTIV-6 and highlighted one of our VHAN PIs:

“Dr. Milstone said, “We don’t have a lot of outpatient medication for COVID. Certainly people take vitamins, certainly they’re interested in drugs like ivermectin, they’re interested in drugs like fluticasone, but we have to work together to really find a definitive answer. Do these drugs work? And do they work in large populations of patients to know whether this is the right approach.’”

The NBC article can be viewed in full here.